PBIS Rewards is a web based incentive tracking program that drives our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program here at Sebastian. Our students earn “Eagle points” for positive behaviors within our school. Eagle points are managed via PBIS Rewards. All school personnel have access to award points to all students. More importantly, parents have access to view points.
Students can spend the Eagle points in a number of ways which include:
- Classroom incentives such as treats, homework passes and preferential seating
- Eagle Store to purchase school spirit wear, school supplies and snacks
- School Wide incentives such as dances, field days and the student/staff volleyball game
The purpose of PBIS at Sebastian is to create a cultural shift that supports the discipline model, increases academic achievement, and creates a positive atmosphere wherein all students are able to thrive. Sebastian’s 2019 – 20 PBIS will focus on positive reinforcement and relationship building in an effort to support the current discipline model and enable teachers to create more meaningful interactions with students. Our key emphasis is building positive behavioral incentives within the classroom. Our goal on a school wide level is to recognize and incentivize positive behaviors displayed by our students individually and as groups.
PBIS is a support system for academics and discipline. Our discipline policies are evolving into a relationship driven model. Our goal with discipline and PBIS is to decrease the amount of time that students spend outside of the classroom for disciplinary reasons and increase student engagement within the classroom as a result of strong teacher/student relationships.
The PBIS team has developed a framework for classroom incentives and planned quarterly school wide incentives and events, grade level incentive competitions, positive behavior student of the month recognition, and a rubric to assess our effectiveness of increased positive student behaviors.