Welcome to Sebastian Middle School’s Guidance Page
Ms. Brown – School Counselor: All 6th grade students and 7th grade students with the last name A – L (904) 547-3846
Ms. Fortune – School Counselor: All 7th grade students with the last name M – Z and all 8th grade students. (904) 547-3846
For information on Attendance and Dress Code click here
8th Grade information / Important Dates Below
Applications are now available for the FEMA National Youth Preparedness Council.
Guidance Services
St. Johns County Schools have guidance departments in each one of it’s schools. Our counselors’ statement of guidance philosophy is as follows: ST. JOHNS COUNTY GUIDANCE OBJECTIVES We believe and adhere to:
- The work, dignity, and uniqueness of the student.
- Respect for and acceptance of the student as he/she comes to us with the values of his/her social and cultural environment.
- The students capacity for self-actualization, self-determination, and self-discipline.
- Provide significant and holistic counseling techniques for the maximum potential of students.
- Guidance as an integral part of creating life-long leaders and global citizens.
- Guidance services for students that are primarily developmental and preventative.
- A guidance program which is supportive to the total school curriculum.
- Cooperative relationship involving school, home, and community.
- The constant striving of counselors for improvement and professional growth in order to facilitate this philosophy.
Parent Resources
- How to Access Schoology
- Study Tips_EArnold
- Center for Autism and Related Disorders
- Community Hospice Camp Healing Powers
- Why-Social-Media-is-Not-Smart-for-Middle-School-Kids
- Facts on Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Bipolar, Suicide Prevention: National Institute of Mental Health
- Local Area Mental Health Student and Family Services
- Communication with Adolescents Tip Sheet
- Overcoming Test Anxiety
- NE Florida Community Hospice
8th Grade Important Information
- Grad Venture – May 11th
- 8th Grade Awards Ceremony (look for your invitation) May 14th
- May 15th – Yearbook Breakfast for 8th Grade students
- May 16th – Ice Cream Day in Lunch
- May 17th – 8th Grade Dance
Attention 8th Grade Students and Families
The window to apply to Academies is now open on HAC. If you need directions on how to apply please see Ms. Fortune. The lottery window ends on January 31, 2024. Please remember to ask Ms. Fortune or your Civics teacher for the AICE/IB Recommendation forms if you are applying. You will give one to each of your four core teachers. Also, if you are applying to SAHS Center of the Arts you will need to do two things. Apply on HAC and go to SJCCA.org and sign up for an audition. Auditions are at SAHS on Weds. January 24 beginning at 1:30 pm.
Final reminder SAHS (6:00pm) and SJTHS (5:30 pm) Academy Night is January 16
Pedro Menendez High and Ponte Vedra High School has their Academy Night on 1/17(6:00pm)
Creekside High is 1/18 at 6:00 pm
Bartram Trail High School is 1/22 at(6:00pm)
Beachside High School is 1/23(6:00pm)
Tocoi High School is 1/24 (6:00 pm)
Nease High School is 1/25(6:00 pm)
Please reach out to Ms. Fortune at 547-3847 or email [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the Academy application process before January 31. Thank you.
Time to Think about High School – for Information about Academy Nights and Applying for High School.
Application submission deadline for students currently enrolled in a St. Johns County public school – Click Here - How to Apply
- Application Process