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Community Page Information

Investing in Kids! (Ink!), Inc.  is a public, non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation recognized as the direct support organization for the St. Johns County School District. The Inks! mission is to lead the efforts of the entire community in raising and distributing funds to support all of our public schools. Programs that are supported by the INK! are Teachers of the Year Celebration, Horizon Mini-Grants, Art Attack!, Take Stock in Children, Supplemental Educational Services Tutoring Program, and Tools for Schools. 100% of donations are spent on St. Johns County students, teachers, and programs. Please visit INK! St. Johns to make a donation or learn more about the INK!

Know the Rules

McKinney-Vento Act Services

Are you living in a shelter, motel, vehicle, or campground; on the street; in abandoned buildings; or living with friends or relatives to to an economic hardship, are you a teenager and living independently or with someone other than a parent or legal guardian; then you may be eligible to receive services provided under the McKinney-Vento Act. Contact your school Computer Operator or your local Homeless Liaison @ 547-7589 for more details. You may also visit: