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Media Center

Library Media Specialist-Rowena Barnard
Email-[email protected]
Media Assistant-Heather Dempsey
Email-[email protected]

Welcome to the Sebastian Middle School Media Center

Our hours are 7:30 am- 1:45 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and until 12:50 pm on Wednesday. 
Students currently visit the Media Center on a bi-weekly basis through their ELA class. Books are either due for renewal or returned every two weeks.  Students may also come throughout the school day to the Media Center with a signed note from their teacher.

MakerSpace is also available during the day.  Lunch passes are given out on a first come first serve basis during morning passing time.

The 2024-2025 list for the Sunshine State Young Reader’s Award books is out.  Start reading these books during the summer to earn prizes from the Media Center.

Also, if you are looking for summer reading activities, check out the St. Johns County Public Library and Barnes and Noble for summer reading incentives.  Students can earn free books just for reading.

We had Author, Sallie Anne Rodriguez visit recently....

Recent News:

Please Click Here for Schoology videos to help Parents with the platform.

Click Here for the Latest!

See how teachers at SMS are using the Media Center.

Click Here!

Our Vision Statement:

The Sebastian Middle School Media Center strives to create an environment that promotes learning for all students by providing equitable access to information, teaching
information literacy skills, and encouraging lifelong learning.   
The media center strives to be a center of collaborative learning that produces creative students who have an appreciation of literature, critical thinking skills, and a respect for others and self.